2022 Welding Cohort Graduates
Congratulations to the 2022 cohort of Adult Ed Welding Fabrication & Allied Processes graduates—Jamie Cavey, Andrew Decker (Perfect Attendance); Meagan Dunham; Charles Haley; Alex Jankowski; Camden Marsh and Nathan Rhoads.
All grads had over 90 percent attendance for the 650-hour, 100-day, 6.5 hours daily program. Together they earned 63 nationally recognized credentials/certifications.
The evening was a time of celebration, not just for the graduates, but equally for those who support them—parents, spouses, family and friends.
We hope that the graduates will reflect on their time at Tri-Rivers as being among the happiest and most productive days of their lives.
We are proud of each of you and sincerely congratulate you.

Welding Fabrication & Allied Processes Instructor Tom Reynolds congratulates welding graduate Andrew Decker for receiving a Perfect Attendance award.