Honda donates FANUC robots to Marion RAMTEC

Marion Ohio RAMTEC wants to thank HONDA ( Anna Engine Plant) for the donation of  three FANUC robots. These donated robots may have a ended life in the industry production line at Honda, but will be refurbished and reallocated for the purpose of training our young adults in preparation for the need of highly skilled jobs in Ohio.

The engineering students at Marion Ohio RAMTEC will be refurbishing these robots to relocate and repurpose the units for training students at other RAMTEC facilities in Ohio. The RAMTEC team will be making all the necessary repairs to ensure that the robots are fully functional. “As we strive to educate our students with all the attributes needed for an engineering / Maintenance career …….. we also want to build the students for community service ……. Giving – Paying back to their community. This project certainly helps to instill these values to our students,” said Mark Edington, FANUC Certified Robotic Instructor.

We value our “partnership” with Honda …… and look forward continuing with their support for “Educating our Future Engineers,” said Edington.